Baptism signifies our immersion in the Christian life and marks our spiritual rebirth in the Church.
Jesus called people to follow him and invited them into community and the life of God.
We call people to follow Jesus and invite them into our community.
We look forward to and work for the day when all people will be in unity.
Baptisms at St. Mary Magdalene
Baptisms are held on most Saturdays at 10:00am or at a weekend Mass if the parents wish and the parish Mass schedule permits.
Here are some things to keep in mind as you plan Baptism for your child:
The family of the child needs to be registered members of St. Mary Magdalene.
If this is your first child to be baptized, the parent's of the child need to attend a Baptism meeting with the priest. Please contact Sarah Sansone to schedule at
It is always best to plan Baptism events before the birth of your child.
At least one godparent needs to be a Catholic who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation. (If the Catholic godparent is not a St. Mary Magdalene parishioner, a letter of recommendation from his/her Catholic pastor is required.)
Once your baby is born, please provide the following information for our records here at St. Mary Magdalene:
Baby’s full name
Baby’s date of birth
Baby’s city of birth
Father’s full name
Mother’s full name and maiden name
Godparents’ full names
If godparents are not members of StMM we need a letter of recommendation from the Catholic pastor for at least one of them. This Baptism Sponsor Form may also serve as a letter of recommendation.
Adults seeking Baptism may be candidates for participation in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program. Please visit our Religious Education (Adult Faith Formation) page for more information, or contact