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The liturgy is never a mere meeting of a group of people who make up their own form of celebration…[T]hrough our sharing in Jesus’ appearing before the Father, we stand both as members of the worldwide community of the whole Church and also of the communion of saints. Yes, in a certain sense this is the liturgy of heaven. 

 ~ (Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI), God and the World)

Divine worship of Jesus Christ in the celebration of liturgy is the most profound encounter we can experience with Him here on earth. Sunday Mass is a chance to partake in a feast of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And as with the most joyful celebratory feasts, our St. Mary Magdalene community comes together to enjoy the gifts of bread and wine, knowledge, light, music, color, fellowship, and abundant blessings.


Our Liturgical Ministries

Extraordinary (Eucharistic) Ministers assist the Presider with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass.  All parishioners who are practicing confirmed Catholics may become Eucharistic Ministers.  Training is provided for new Ministers and refresher courses are offered.  Eucharistic Ministers are scheduled to serve approximately once a month.

For information in this ministry, please contact the appropriate coordinator for the mass time you would like to volunteer.
Saturday 5pm Mass - Susan Grant @ Email 919-362-0715
Sunday 9am Mass - Suzanne Ehrenzeller @ Email 919-961-5092
Sunday 10:45am Mass - Lisa Westberg @ Email 919-961-1612
Sunday 6pm Youth Mass - Danielle Remmy @ Email

The Reader ministry consists of parishioners who proclaim the Word of God at liturgical celebrations. In addition to reading at the Mass for which they are scheduled, readers usually devote a half-hour of time to preparation each time they are scheduled to read.  Reader workbooks are provided to each reader to assist in preparation.  Readers are scheduled to read approximately two to three times every three months.

For information about this ministry, please contact: 

Mark Iasiello @ Email 815-529-4587

The Altar Server ministry provides support to the Presider for all parish liturgies. All parish youth who are 5th grade or above are welcome and encouraged to participate.  A brief training session is offered to each aspiring altar server upon his or her request to join the ministry. Altar servers choose to participate in one of the weekly Mass liturgies and are set according to the number of servers on the list for each Mass time.  Typically,  servers are scheduled for one Mass each month.  Opportunities for servers to participate in occasional liturgies are announced in the bulletin with sign-up sheets provided for scheduling.

For information about this ministry, please contact

Andree Genez @ Email 919-677-1776

Music ministers lead the sung prayer of the community of St. Mary Magdalene’s weekend Masses and Feast Days. Rehearsals are held most Wednesday evenings during the school year. Regular attendance at rehearsals is required and music ministers are expected to arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass.  Singers and instrumentalists of various skill levels are welcome to participate.

For information about this ministry, please contact

Andrew Witchger, Music Director @ Email 

Youth Music Ministry coordinates the music for the Sunday 6pm Youth Masses during the school year.

For more information about this ministry, please contact

            Andrew Witchger @ Email

Ushers provide the necessary organizational support for the liturgies.  Ushers are generally responsible for assisting the seating of parishioners, offering direction during communion and assisting with the collection.  An usher needs to arrive 15-20 minutes prior to the start of Mass. Any parishioner may become an usher. Ushers are scheduled for a particular Mass approximately once a month.

For information about this ministry, please contact

5pm Mass - Mike Barnack, Email
9am Mass - Mike Fiedler, Email and Brandon Smith, Email
11am Mass - Chris Hanes, Email
6pm Youth Mass - Fernando Munoz, Email and James O’Rourke, Email

Ministries that support the Mass

The Altar Linen Committee washes and irons the Purificators and towelets which are used during Communion.  Each volunteer is responsible for a two or occasionally three week period, usually just one or possibly two times a year.  This is a great way for anyone to help but especially for those who like to help by doing something at home.

For information about this program, please contact: 

Christine Agius @ Email 919-604-2106

Extraordinary (Eucharistic) Ministers to the Sick and Homebound take Holy Communion to the sick in local nursing care centers, senior living facilities, and the homebound. If you need more information about this ministry or have a loved one who is unable to attend Mass because of a long-term illness, lengthy recovery from surgery, etc. but would love to receive the Eucharist, please contact: Daphne Lobo @ Email

The Marriage Ministry's wedding team provides assistance to engaged couples at the rehearsal and wedding day.  It's a joyful ministry that ensures that StMM marriage ceremonies are consistent with liturgical customs and that all goes according to plan so that Nuptials are holy, dignified, and joyous for the Bride, Groom, and their families.

For more information about this ministry, please contact:

Amy Fisher @ Email
Mollie Fisher @ Email

For Marriage Prep, please contact: Janine McGann @Email