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The ROCK - 5th and 6th Grade

The Rock - 5th and 6th grades

The ROCK (Reach Out for Christ) is a relational ministry program for preteens in grades five & six that encourages the youth to encounter Jesus Christ and His Church unceasingly.  We hold fast to his teachings, foster a Christ-centered community, and seek participation in the sacraments and prayer.

The ROCK will meet on Tuesday evenings (see Calendar for exceptions on our website) from 6:15 pm-7:30 pm. Parents are encouraged to attend the GATHER parent sessions in the church. The program offers a dynamic, fun, Catholic curriculum that goes deep, answering the questions tweens have about their life and faith.  The method of teaching includes games, videos, Gospel reflections, Saint of the Day and small group discussions. Parents are invited to join us in the church for family faith formation. We will be rotating through hot topics, service projects, understanding how to read and pray with the bible and social nights.  

Registration is available online beginning July 1, 2024 until August 15, 2024.  Registrations received after August 15, 2024 will be assessed a $50 late fee.  

For assistance with your login or scholarship information, please contact the Parish Office at 919-657-4800 x7280.


Please contact Sarah Ritchie at