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Our Family Faith Formation Program called Gather is for families registered in our parish with children in grades K to 4. Our program is designed to be a learning experience for both children and their parents. We recognize the calling and responsibility of parents as primary educators and role models to their children. Gather is here to assist parents in passing on our faith to their children and to build the domestic church.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Education in the faith by the parents should begin in the child's earliest years. This already happens when family members help one another to grow in faith by the witness of a Christian life in keeping with the Gospel. Family catechesis precedes, accompanies, and enriches other forms of instruction in the faith. Parents have the mission of teaching their children to pray and to discover their vocation as children of God. The parish is the Eucharistic community and the heart of the liturgical life of Christian families; it is a privileged place for the catechesis of children and parents.” (cccc 2226)

Families will attend Gather together in the church and then after opening prayers, the children will break into small groups by grade level while the parents remain in the church.   Gather will be offered on Tuesday nights in the church and school buildings from 6:15 –7:30 pm (see Gather calendar on our website for exceptions).  Parents are expected to attend with their children.  There is no virtual option available for Gather.

Registration is available online beginning July 1, 2024 until August 15, 2024. Click the link in the right column marked “Gather Registration” and you will be directed to login using the email address you provided when you registered with the parish. The fees for Gather are $80 for first and second children, $40 for subsequent children. Registrations received after August 15, 2024 will be assessed a $50 late fee.  For assistance with your login or scholarship information, please contact the Parish Office at 919-657-4800 x7280.

Additionally, for children in the second grade, a materials fee of $75 for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist will be assessed and can be paid when you register.  This includes two workbooks, one for each sacrament, two retreats and all the supplies provided for sacramental preparation. Scholarships are available to families based on need. Gather is offered to registered, contributing parishioners.