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Adult Faith Formation

“Were not our hearts burning [within us] while he spoke to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?”

Luke 24:32 (From Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us.)

This passage offers us a model for our ministry and shows the need we all have for ongoing formation in faith. For in it we see two adult disciples who, encountering the risen Lord, grow stronger in love, knowledge, commitment, and zeal. As then, today, “those who are already disciples of Jesus… [need] to be constantly nourished by the word of God so that they may grow in their Christian life.”

Adult faith formation is never-ending.   Click here for Adult Faith Formation Opportunities.

For additional information, please see the Ministry Contacts.


For more information about RCIA  contact
or Adult Confirmation,  contact Deacon Rick Stevens 

Ministry Contacts

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Diocese Centenni