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Adult Confirmation

What is Adult Confirmation?

Catholics over the age of 18 who did not receive the sacrament of Confirmation at an earlier age and who approach the Church as adults seeking reception of Confirmation are welcomed with great joy. Their desire for Confirmation will allow them to complete their initiation into Christian life. In the Diocese of Raleigh, the Bishop will ordinarily confirm all Catholic adults at diocesan celebrations.

Requirements for an adult seeking to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation:

  • You have had a Catholic baptism
  • You have received your First Reconciliation
  • You have received your First Eucharist
  • You have submitted to the parish office a copy of your baptismal certificate with sacrament dates noted
  • You have attended the catechetical sessions required for adult Confirmation

The content of the formation program includes:

  • WORD—A basic understanding of Sacred Scripture and a review of Creedal doctrines.
  • WORSHIP—A solid understanding of the Sacraments, how we encounter God in the Sacraments, and the role of the Sacraments in our life of faith, expressions of personal prayer, and piety.
  • WITNESS—Living in the world strengthened by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Topics would include moral decision-making, charity, Christian service, etc.


For more information, contact Deacon Rick Stevens.

Diocese Centenni